Onsnow lesson Information

Who Can Join

The program is open to skiers of all levels. Coaches will group students based on their skill level.

Course Advantages

  1. Professional Instruction: Courses are taught by certified Level 2 to Level 4 ski instructors.
  2. High Value: Scheduled lessons with tailored training plans, including 6-hour sessions.
  3. Transparent Progress: Parents can monitor their child’s learning progress via group updates, with access to course recordings or live streams.
  4. Maximized Efficiency: A combination of indoor and outdoor training ensures optimal results.

Class Location and Time

  1. Location: Cypress Mountain Ski Resort
  2. Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (includes a 1-hour lunch break)

Group Lesson Size

  1. Small Class Size: Each group consists of 4-6 students per class.
  2. Minimum Enrollment: A class will only commence if there are at least 4 students of the same skill level. If the minimum number is not met, the course may be canceled.


  1. Cancelations/Refunds: Requests for cancelations or refunds due to medical reasons will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and must be supported by appropriate medical documentation.
  2. Program Cancelations: Infinity Ski reserves the right to cancel any program without prior notice and will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by the participant. In such cases, registration fees will be refunded in full. However, Infinity Ski is not responsible for external costs such as ticket or hotel fees.
  3. Limited Availability: All programs have a limited number of spaces available and can fill up before the registration deadline.